It is a normal operating procedure to safely strap a sedated patient on the OR table unless this part is double and even triple-checked, mishaps are bound to occur. As many case histories have emerged in the most recent times where patients have fallen off the OR table or weren’t tightly strapped in while some of the complex surgeries were being performed on them, hospitals need to make use of the medical Velcro™ safety straps. Here you will know what these are and the benefits they bring.
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Benefits of Velcro™ Safety Straps
Velcro™ safety straps are used to hold the patient in place during procedures and examinations such as an MRI scan. There are many different types of safety straps available in the market some of which are good for everyday usage at home and some are only to be found in the hospitals such as medical Velcro™ safety straps for OR tables.
These straps are constructed with flexible materials that are soft and harmless to a patient’s skin. Features like versatility, free from residue, easily disposable, infection control, and non-metallic construction are an added benefit of purchasing modern designs.
Medical Velcro™ straps are also known for their versatility. These come with 30 roles that are easily trimmed with a pair of scissors and cut to the proper length.
The hook is not buckled to the strap, instead, it is laminated that facilitates with an automatic self-adjusting positioning during the routine OR procedure.
Due to the Velcro™ strap’s residue-free feature, it is convenient to use and acts like an ordinary roll of tape. In fact, it can be bought in the same manner from trusted medical products manufacturers like Medtrica which is popularly known for new-age product design that are environmentally-safe and highly effective.
Velcro™ straps are quite simple to glue as well, following which, you can trim it to a desired length as per the patient’s body.
Medical Velcro™ straps are now available in latex-free form as well, for those who are allergic.
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Velcro™ safety straps make sure that a patient who has been given anesthesia is properly immobilized to give unobstructed access to the surgical area to the surgeons and physicians. If the straps are not correctly placed, the patient might receive major nerve damage or muscular soreness or both as a result of improper patient positioning.